Monday, October 5, 2009

As promised..

I know - it probably isn't nearly as exciting for everyone else. I'm guessing there are at least two minds that the general populace are in:

a) Who cares?
b) Yes, it is exciting. But news-worthy? No.

BUT to me, it falls under a third catagory...

c) HOLY CRAPMOLY! I AM JUST SO (sew?) EXCITED! (note.. I am jumping up and down with glee here! [and as a side note, I STILL haven't managed to catch that TV show.. is it any good?])

Ok. So if you are confused as to what the heck I am on about, I removed the d
ead double bed from the spare 'oom (such a sneaky reference to The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe..) To be fair, I forgot to take a picture of the shambled room before vacating it. So here is the bed (note how dead it is! It is an ensemble that doesn't even match!) with a lovely view from our back varandah, (several days later it is STILL on the back varandah, but now is made complete as an ensemble again and is perfect as a tram-mampoline substitute!) and the room.

And now... (drumroll please)

Yeah, I get why you aren't excited now. It's the old table from our bbq setting and really is inadequate as a sewing table, but it is to be replaced sometime in the near future. Mealie Bug is adorning what will become my overlocker table (it's on layby!!!). The husband (Scurry) found the table at an op shop and painted it up for me for my birthday this year. Here is a closer look:

...yeah, now you're excited. Hopefully I'll get a sewing table to match!!


Swift Jan said...

I'm excited for you!!!! How wonderful to have a sewing room!! And I still love your table. Scurry is certainly a good catch!

btw loving the new template. It's very you :)

Femina said...

That's gorgeous (and thanks for dropping by my blog). :)

Scurrette said...

yes, I thought the colours and spots and stripes were made especially for me when I found them. And the teal... goodness, it may just be rivalling my lifetime fave colour of red!

Thanks Femina!